Stories by Ray Bradbury. The full list


Dark Carnival, 1947

The Illustrated Man, 1951

The Golden Apples of the Sun, 1953

The October Country, 1955

A Medicine For Melancholy, 1959

R Is For Rocket, 1962

The Machineries of Joy, 1964

The Vintage Bradbury, 1965

S Is For Space, 1966

I Sing the Body Electric, 1969

Long After Midnight, 1976

The Stories of Ray Bradbury, 1980

Истории о динозаврах, 1983

A Memory of Murder, 1984

The Toynbee Convector, 1988

Quicker Than The Eye, 1996

Driving Blind, 1997

One More for the Road, 2002

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales, 2003

The Cat's Pajamas, 2004

Summer Morning, Summer Night, 2007

Masks, 2008

We'll always have Paris, 2009

Сборник редких рассказов, 2009

We Are the Carpenters of an Invisible Cathedral, 2016

Механический Хэппи-Лэнд, 2019


Comments to the story “No Particular Night or Morning”

by Pavel

This one has impressed me very much. One of the few stories of Ray Bradbury which tells not about relationship, but about inner feelings. This one told me more about existentialism than Sartre's "Nausea".
Scary, amazing, wonderful.

Apr 06, 2009

by elaine

Please let us learn the correct spelling of losing, as it should be, rather than loosing! How this eror detracts from such high minded conceptual analysis of Bradbury.

Dec 17, 2011

by by someone

I think the story is great

Nov 13, 2014

by Zach

Hitchcock is completely the character of Descartes in space. I love that the first bit of Meditations on First Philosophy was put to a story format. No one seems to understand the anti-empiricism here, which to me is tragic. I've come across reviews saying that it was a bad character analysis or a bad story, but it was never meant to be either. It is a way to put the Cartesian theory of knowledge into a science fiction setting so that it's more accessible to readers than an archaic Frenchman speaking in a holier than thou tone. Great story.

Apr 30, 2012

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