Рассказы Рэя Брэдбери



First Day, 2002

Heart Transplant, 1981

Quid Pro Quo, 2000

After the Ball, 2002

In Memoriam, 2002

Tête-à-Tête, 2002

The Dragon Danced at Midnight, 1966

The Nineteenth, 2002

Beasts, 2002

Autumn Afternoon, 2002

Where All is Emptiness There is Room to Move, 2002

One-Woman Show, 2002

The Laurel and Hardy Alpha Centauri Farewell Tour, 2000

Leftovers, 2002

One More for the Road, 2002

Tangerine, 2002

With Smiles as Wide as Summer, 1961

Interim (Time Intervening), 1947

The Enemy in the Wheat, 1994

Fore!, 2001

My Son, Max, 1993

The F.Scott/Tolstoy/Ahab Accumulator, 2002

Well, What Do You Have to Say for Yourself?, 2002

Diane de Forêt, 2002

The Cricket on the Hearth, 2002